Sunday, September 24, 2017


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) organised its 3rd International Conference on Learning Cities in Cork City, Ireland, with the overall theme, Global goals, local actions: Towards lifelong learning for all in 2030. The Conference which was held between September 18 – 20, 2017 gave an avenue for the exchange of ideas and good practice, the creation and strengthening of partnerships and the fostering of twin cities. It was also, and most importantly a platform to build the future of learning cities. 

The 1st International Conference on Learning Cities (ICLC) held in Beijing in 2013, opened the global discourse on learning cities and defined the UNESCO concept of a Learning City. The 2nd International Conference on Learning Cities held in Mexico City was marked by the opening up of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) to membership and defined the role of learning cities in achieving sustainable development. The network which now consists of about 200 cities from more than 40 countries; are united in their determination to promote lifelong learning and, ultimately, achieve sustainable development in their cities.

Given the need for urgent intervention to ensure a safe, liveable planet for future generations, UNESCO identified the necessity to develop a concrete action plan. Therefore, the 3rd International Conference on Learning Cities moved from global discourse to local implementation, in implementing lifelong learning to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, with the aim of guiding cities in implementing lifelong learning to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals at the local level.

Ibadan, being selected and recognised as a Learning City by UNESCO was also represented at the conference by the Prime Positive Role Model of OYOMESI, His Excellency, Sen. Abiola Ajimobi; the Honourable Commissioner for Education, Science and Technology, Prof Adeniyi Olowofela; the Special Adviser on Education, Dr Bisi Akin-Alabi and the Acting Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Mrs Aderiyike Adekanmbi.

H.E Sen. Abiola Ajimobi at the conference.

Sen Abiola Ajimobi, Prof Adeniyi Olowofela, Dr Bisi Akin-Alabi and Mrs Aderiyike Adekanmbi

Dr Bisi Akin-Alabi gave a report on the development of education in Oyo State, especially the OYOMESI pilot scheme implemented in August 2017 on Job Experience for 14-18 year-old pupils, Cluster Learning on Digital Literacy and French Language, Academic Games Tournament and the unveiling of OYOMESI to all stakeholders. She also spoke about the WAEC BOOT CAMP which is not just happening in Ibadan but across the 33 LGAs of Oyo State; an academic intervention that started in March 2017 and continues until April 2018. 

The three main strands of OYOMESI were also introduced to participants at the conference, which are: 
  1. Character Education 
  2. Localised education content and curriculum enrichment. 
  3. Improving Teachers’ competence and motivation. 
The organisers applauded the efforts of Oyo State government and asserted that the team should get ready for a progress award soon.

Sen. Abiola Ajimobi speaking to other delegates of Oyo State.

Prof Adeniyi Olowofela, Mrs Aderiyike Adekanmbi and Dr Bisi Akin-Alabi in the conference hall.

Dr Bisi Akin-Alabi at the Cork Institute of Technology (CIT) stand.

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